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I’m happy with the decision to forgo Black Friday

I work hard to price my goods fairly and in line with this company's values. The business model I use doesn't allow significant or regular mark downs. Whenever I’ve partaken, as a consumer, in the flurry that is Black Friday, I’ve wound up with things I don’t need, aren’t in line with what I believe, and maybe don’t even want. I haven’t taken part as an individual for a few years, but now I’ve decided that as a business, this isn’t something I want to participate in either. I believe in consuming as a way to vote with my dollars, fulfill my needs and treat myself. I’ve got a feeling this community takes a similar and mindful approach.

Yesterday was Giving Tuesday which gives me an opportunity to share about a cause I have been investing in—Housing First.

'Housing First' is an approach to ending homelessness that centres on moving people experiencing homelessness into independent and permanent housing as a first step. It provides people with immediate access to permanent housing with no housing ‘readiness’ or compliance requirements, is recovery-oriented and centres on consumer choice, self-determination and community integration.

It is a rights-based intervention rooted in the philosophy that all people deserve housing, and that adequate housing is a precondition for recovery. The approach affirms that stable housing is a primary need, and that issues, such as addictions or mental health, can be better addressed once this need is fulfilled.”

Definition from: the Homeless Hub

Regular habits can have a profound impact over time. So in June of 2020 I started choosing an organization every few months that supports Housing First principles to be the recipient of a donation—3% of online sales. With your help, the organizations I've donated to so far are:

Thank you for helping me give back. If you'd like to read more about Housing First on the Government of Canada's website is a good place to start.


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